Trail Running vs Road Running: Which Is Better?

trail running vs road running
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When it comes to keeping a fit body and a healthy mind, working out is always the go-to solution.

Nevertheless, it can sometimes be quite challenging to find the sweet spot wherein you get to work your muscles just the right amount.

Your work out should not be too light but also not too heavy that it’s difficult to get up the next morning.

One of the best ways to get that sweet spot is to take on running activities.

Wondering about what running activity you should take on? If you wish to know the similarities and differences of trail running vs road running article, we’ve got your back.

Trail Running Vs Road Running

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle should always be our top priority.

No matter how stressed we are at work, or how difficult the other aspects of our lives are, we should always make sure that our bodies are at their strongest.

Doing this is the only way to guarantee that no matter what trial we face, we will be capable of facing it head-on.

One of the easiest forms of exercise that is also loved by many is running. Both young and adults can participate in this activity and gain remarkable results.

There are many types of running activities, but the most popular ones are arguably trail running and road running.

We’ve taken the liberty of categorizing these two and discussing them one by one to give you a broader understanding of both subjects.

In doing so, we hope to help you decide which is the better form of running that suits your personal preference: road running or trail running?

trail running vs road running

What Is Road Running?

The name practically suggests the basics of this type of running activity. Road running, to put it simply, means to run on the road.

It can either be going outside for a run or running on an established, measured course (like 5K, 10K, or 42K marathons), with “K” meaning kilometers.


In order to be able to make an informed comparison, we have to break down the different characteristics that make up this type of running.

Road running has the following advantages that you can enjoy:

  • Casual

Arguably one of the many reasons why road running is quite popular is its low-impact nature.

Since road running does not put too much strain on the joints, people of all ages can engage in this activity. When we say all ages, we mean everybody.

From kids to grandparents, everyone in the family can enjoy road running! It can also serve as a good way for family members to spend some quality time together.

  • Convenience

Another reason why road running is widely phenomenal is its convenience.

You do not have to drive to a specific location or bring food with you whenever you want to go road running.

This is because this type of running can be done virtually anywhere that has a long enough stretch of road.

You can even engage in this activity while you’re in your neighborhood. Being able to exercise near your home doesn’t get any more convenient than that.

  • Organized

Aside from the casual running outside your home, which can get boring real quick, you can also join organized road running events if you feel like you’re up for it.

Various events are held almost globally from time to time. All you have to do is to keep updated, and in no time, you’ll be running in 5K, 10K, or even 42K marathons.


As with almost anything, road running has its downsides, too.

Of course, these downsides aren’t always true for all people. It just means that these are some of the things you may encounter or notice when taking on road running.

  • Low-Impact

Road running, being a low-impact activity, is a double-bladed sword.

Although it’s a particularly easy activity to take part in, it also means that you don’t get to push your muscles to the degree that’s optimal for growth in a short period.

Of course, you can still achieve the right amount of intensity that you want. However, more often than not, this means that you’d have to run for longer periods.

This might be an issue for those who have limited time for exercising.

  • Distractions

If you are taking on a casual road running trip and not the organized marathon events, chances are that you’ll be faced with lots of distractions.

Being near your home means it’s fairly easy to head back and do other stuff. Aside from that, you may come across shops or restaurants and spend your time there instead of working out.

Nonetheless, the only way to defeat these distractions is to stay focused and disciplined.


Your regular gear for working out will work just fine in road running. Just make sure that you don’t wear shirts made of cotton.

Instead, opt for those that are designed to be sweat in.

Aside from that, the shoes you are wearing are also quite important.

Shoes that are made for running often have a rubber sole that absorbs the impact from the ground or asphalt.

A soft layer is placed between the sole and the foot to cushion the force. The outer cover is also often made with a breathable material, like mesh.

Without the right shoes, it would be really easy for you to feel tired and sore. You might even be putting yourself at risk of developing injuries.

trail running vs road running

What Is Trail Running?

Trail running means running on unpaved surfaces or paths.

As compared to road running, which is often on even grounds, trail running involves going uphill and downhill, making it much more difficult.

What adds to this difficulty is the fact that the ground is also not as smooth as roads. This means you get to target various leg muscles with every step.


You can’t really say that one type of running activity is superior over the other because what matters most is what you need and what suits your lifestyle.

To help you decide with that, here are some advantages that trail running brings you:

  • Nature

If you love nature, trail running might just be the best workout routine for you. It involves going off-road and leaving the noisy city behind to reconnect with nature.

If you take on trail running regularly, you’ll also have your regular dose of fresh air and a much-needed mental break.

  • Heavier Workout

Although it’s still categorized as a low-impact activity, trail running is a heavier workout routine than road running.

That’s because of the elements of ascending and descending that are naturally part of trail running.

This means that if you want to exercise harder in a short period, opting to go for trail running instead of road running is the better choice.

  • Balance Improvement

Because of the fact that your feet don’t always land on a flat surface, unlike what happens in road running, you also get to develop your balance.

This is really important. When you have better balance control, the risk of suffering an injury when doing your daily chores is significantly lowered.


We want to be honest with you, which is why we will go on full disclosure with the disadvantages of trail running.

There are various risks that are involved in trail running, but all of them can be solved by staying alert and focused.

  • Trail Hazard

Since you’re going off-road, it’s a no-brainer when we say that the unfamiliar path of various trail running locations brings with it certain hazards.

A rock in the middle of the path or wild animals are just some dangers you have to watch out for.

To prevent this from happening, make sure that you pay close attention to your path, and do a little research on your trail running location.

  • Location

Another disadvantage that you may come across is the fact that looking for a trail running spot can be quite difficult if you’re new to the community.

There are various mobile applications you can use to find one. However, it’s not as easy as wearing your road running gear and heading out for a run.


The gear used in trail running is quite different from road running.

Trail running often requires you to bring a waterproof jacket, a water bottle, and sometimes even healthy snacks.

Aside from that, it is encouraged to wear track pants in trail running to protect your shin from twigs or small branches.

Perhaps the most important aspect you should pay attention to is your footwear.

The course in trail running is often harsher and more unforgiving than that in road running.

That being said, your shoes must be able to take a beating, while making sure that you’re comfortable in them.

The best option for this, obviously, is shoes made especially for trail running.

Trail Running Shoes

While we’re on the subject, we figured that since your footwear is very important in trail running, we must take responsibility for making sure that you’re wearing the right one.

This way, you’re safe from injuries if you ever consider going on a trail running trip.

Determining the criteria for a pair of shoes to be considered trail running shoes can be quite tricky.

That’s because trail running shoes are categorized into a lot of different types.

Perhaps what you need to know is that your regular road shoes wouldn’t last in trail running.

Characteristics of Trail Running Shoes

The manufacturing process that comes into making trail running shoes is quite detailed and intricate. This is to ensure that your footwear doesn’t give up halfway through the ordeal.

Here are the most important characteristics of trail running shoes and how it helps you in trail running:


The soles of a trail running shoe provide much more traction as compared with other types of shoes.

Because the course in trail running is often uneven and unpaved, trail running shoes must be able to provide you with a firmer grip on the ground to keep you from getting off-balanced.

That is the primary function of the soles and why it is very detailed.


The cushioning of your trail running shoes is a matter of personal preference. Do you want something that’s extremely soft, or do you want something that’s quite hard?

Opting for an incredibly soft cushion may make it harder for you to have a feel of the ground you’re stepping on. However, opting for a harder cushioning may not be as comfortable.

The best way to determine is to know what it is that you need.


The weight of trail running shoes aren’t often as important as the soles or cushioning. Still, if you’re new to this activity, you may want to pay attention to it.

Since trail running shoes must be able to withstand abrasions and scratches, the upper layer of it is made with hard material. This makes the shoes heavier.

Wearing heavy shoes while trail running may take a toll on your legs after only a few hours. Then again, there are also others who use hiking shoes for trail running.

Weather Protection

Since you’re literally running in nature, it is not surprising to think that you may encounter mud, rivers, and puddles while trail running.

Because of that, trail running shoes are often equipped with a layer of laminate to keep them waterproof or, at least, water-resistant.

This helps in keeping your feet dry even if you encounter harsh terrains and rains.


Running is one of the few activities that are considered low-risk and high-reward. Doing it regularly will make you stronger, both physically and mentally.

In deciding the winner in the battle between trail running vs road running, unfortunately, we won’t be able to say it to you.

That’s because, ultimately, the superior running activity depends on which one suits your lifestyle.

We’re just here to make a side-by-side comparison on these two activities and ensure that you get to understand the advantages and disadvantages that will help you decide better.

In the end, the key is to make sure that you maintain that healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly and eating healthy, balanced meals.