How Tight Should Hiking Boots Be?

How Tight Should Hiking Boots Be
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If you want the best hiking boots, you need to consider the stability, comfort, and level of traction. Previous customer reviews and the reputation of the manufacturer are important to ensure you get a high-quality hiking boot, that guarantees durability.

The boots need to fit your foot shape, climate to be used, and preference. The different types of hiking boots include; hiking shoes, day hiking boots, and backpacking boots.

How to Select the Best Boots for Hiking

Choose a boot that fits well

For this, you need to get a boot that matches your foot shape, whether it is wide, low-volume, high-volume or high instep. You should then look for a style that is compatible with your size, that allows your toes some room for wiggling; preferably it should be a half-inch which helps to create more comfort in the boot.

Ensure you try out the boots before going out for a hike, to ensure there is room for up and down movement in the heels, and that there are no pressure points.

You also need to fit two fingers comfortably at the back when the hiking boot is untied. When the hiking boots are laced up, the feet need to feel supported and in place. You also shouldn’t feel any pressure at any point in the shoe, even after using them for a while.

While in the shop, try walking in the hiking shoes to seeing if any points are tight. Also, the hiking boots should allow you to lift your foot heels up and down to some extent.

Choose the appropriate shoe for the activity

Hiking entails a lot, and if you desire to use them for other purposes, get multi-purpose boots. Hiking boots are ideal as they offer stability, support, high-level protection, and sturdiness. They are appropriate for backcountry hiking, but if you spend long days on the streets during your hike, you may opt for lighter hiking shoes.

Choose a high-quality hiking boot

If you need the ideal hiking boots, you need to spend more on them. The advantage of this is durability and support for a longer period. Choose an original hiking boot and not counterfeit with weaker materials.

When buying them, you need to fit them in the late evenings when your feet have swelled during the day, for a more realistic result. For better judgment, try them with a pair of walking socks and determine the comfort they offer.

How Tight Should Hiking Boots Be?

Qualities to Look for in a Hiking Boot

Hiking boots should offer comfort to the feet and not cause any issues. They should offer cushioning while in use, and still fit comfortably, even after walking for a longer distance. Check the reviews of previous customers to make sure they don’t have complaints about blisters, rubbing heels or having pressure points.

An ideal hiking boot also needs to be durable. It is better to purchase a high-quality boot that is more expensive than a cheap hiking boot that will necessitate you to buy new ones, or having to mend them while you are on the trail. Always try to get a long-lasting boot with high-quality construction. While wearing them, you should not experience torn laces, sole separation or pressure while in use. 

Both hiking shoes and boots need to provide support while in use. They should have the best balance of comfort, stability, protection, and support for their specific purposes. Support is made possible through the midsole, which is between the upper and outer sole. They should also offer protection at the sides, ankle and underfoot to protect you from any obstacles on the way.

The hiking boots also need to be breathable and waterproof. However, the best hiking boots will have one but not both of these qualities. The downside of a shoe not being breathable is that during the summer, it might lead to some comfort issues.

The climate should determine the shoe you wear; when hiking in a damp climate, opt for a water-resistance boot.

For dry climates, opt for a breathable boot, or one that offers a balance of the two. The hiking boot also needs to keep you upright when you step on a loose or a slippery surface. It should have high-quality traction and grip, which is made possible by proper foot positioning inside the boot.

How to Wear Hiking Boots

For starters, you need to break them in before going on your first hike with them. You can wear them in the house or outdoors to begin breaking them in and gradually increase your time wearing them until you are confident they will be comfortable and flexible enough to wear out on the trail.  

Also properly lacing the hiking boots will help prevent avoidable injuries from happening due to a slip caused by an open lace. When tying the lace, you need to skip some eyelets when you have pressure points on the foot for more relief.

Ensure you also wear hiking socks for your feet to remain dry and comfortable all through. Find the recommended socks for the purpose and not just any kind. Those made from merino wool or synthetic blends are highly recommended. 


So how tight should hiking boots be? You need to break them in before you start any serious hiking trip. You should do this wearing the hiking socks you are going to use to create a balance between your feet and the shoes.

Also, the boots need to feel comfortable as you use them.  After every hike, clean and take the proper care of your hiking boots, and they will last and serve you well on each successive hike.

Boot Up!

A Guide to Hiking Boots

Everything you need to know about hiking boots including 

  • The types of boots on the market
  • How to maintain your boots
  • Finding the right fit

There are a dizzying variety of hiking boots out there. Buying the one that will suit your needs can make or break your hiking experience.

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