How to Start Trail Running for a Healthy Mind and Body

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Taking care of our body is arguably the most important task that must be included in our everyday “to-do” list.

This is further proven by the fact that more and more people from all over the globe are starting to take on different activities that promote a healthy lifestyle.

One of these activities is called trail running.

If you’ve never heard of this exercise before but are interested in all sorts of running activities, you’ve come to the right place!

From learning about how to start trail running to other basic things you need to know about this activity, we’ve got it all covered.

What Is Trail Running?

As you may have already assumed, trail running is in some ways similar but also different than regular running.

In some sense, it is the same as regular running because the main task is to run. What makes trail running different is the fact that it includes hiking or running on steep, unpaved grounds.

Basically, trail running is running on nature!

We understand that it sounds a little difficult, but we are sure that once you’ve tried this activity, you’ll want to do it regularly.

This is because trail running brings with it lots of advantages that are extremely good not only for your body but for your mental well-being, as well.

Benefits of Trail Running

While we are on the subject of what’s good for your body, we figured that it might be for the best if we give you a brief introduction on the endless list of benefits you can get from trail running.

We are quite afraid it may take days to finish that list, which is why we settled for the most common and important benefits of this activity.

1. Reduces Risk of Injury

Trail running significantly reduces your risk of suffering from injuries.

Since it involves running on uneven terrain, you’re stretching and exercising different sets of muscles with every step that you take.

This holistic development of your lower extremities means that you will get to improve your balance, lessening the chances of getting injured.

2. Lowers Anxiety

Just the plain old act of exercising already comes with lots of mood-improving effects. These advantages are further maximized by the fact that trail running involves running in nature.

The clean air and the sight of freshness is a great booster for the betterment of your mental health.

3. Promotes Longer Life

Believe it or not, being able to reconnect with nature and the fact that you’re surrounded by green space is an ingredient to a longer life.

Don’t worry; you don’t really have to live in the forest to enjoy these benefits.

Being able to trail run at least once a week gets you away from pollution and closer to a healthier lifestyle.

4. Helps You Stay Slim

Are you looking for effective ways to lose weight but also want something that’s a little more adventurous than just working out at home? Trail running is the answer to your woes.

Aside from the actual running, the additional challenge of running on an uneven surface makes you use more muscle groups. This means you get to burn more calories.

How to Start Trail Running

As much as we want you to head out, experience the beauty of nature, and engage in this activity right now, we can’t let you do that yet.

First, we have to make sure that you have all the necessary things that you will need for this experience.

That being said, here are a few guidelines to follow to start your trail running journey.

Equipment You Need for Trail Running

Trail running is about running on unpaved terrains, which are often a considerable distance from the nearest establishments.

Everything you feel like you may need for this activity must already be with you before you begin. Otherwise, you’d end up having a bad trail running experience.

Here’s a brief list of the most common trail running equipment used.

1. Clothing

When you’re far away from home doing an activity that will most likely eat away a considerable chunk of your energy, the last thing you need is to be bothered by the fact that you’re not wearing the proper attire.

The gear, accessories, and pieces of clothing that you wear on a trail running activity matters a lot.

Trail Running Top

There are literally hundreds of brands that you can choose from wherein you can get tops that are specifically made for trail running.

However, we also understand that sometimes you want to save a few extra bucks, or you’re still testing the waters and don’t want to buy these special clothing yet.

If that is the case, just be sure that you wear a top that is meant to sweat in. Never wear a shirt made of cotton when you’re going on a trail running trip.

Wearing clothes that are too big or too small may also be an inconvenience when you go trail running.

If you are planning on wearing hiking boots for the trip, make sure that they are not too big or too small for you.

GPS Watch

A GPS watch is not really a requirement for trail running but is actually very useful.

Wearing a GPS watch helps in tracing your route and recording your running data, which is extremely helpful if you want to set goals and stretch your running limitations.

Aside from that, a GPS watch is also one of the most useful things to have with you in case you get lost while trail running.


Having a good pair of sunglasses is helpful when you go trail running while the sun is up. It helps reduce the glare while you run and keeps you focused on the trail.

Just make sure that the sunglasses you bring fit you firmly and do not limit your field of vision.

Waterproof Jacket

The weather these days are very unpredictable, especially in the northern parts of the country. It is not surprising to see the sun high up in the sky and the rain falling after a few hours.

That being said, the best way to keep you safe from this element is to have a waterproof jacket.

You must ensure that it is waterproof and not water-resistant because if it is the latter, you’d still be soaking wet after a few minutes under the rain.

Also, wearing waterproof boots when you go trail running is extremely helpful.

how to start trail running
Trail Running Shoes

A good pair of trail running shoes is perhaps the best companion you can have while you’re out there.

Trail running shoes differ a lot from your regular running shoes because the former is expected to endure extreme usage. This is due to the fact that trail running involves challenging terrains.

You don’t want to be in the middle of nowhere with holes in your shoes, so make sure that you choose the right pair.

If you don’t have a pair of shoes made specifically for trail running, you could try wearing your hiking shoes in the meantime.

2. Water

Do not, under any circumstances, forget to bring a bottle of water. We do not have to reiterate how important it is to stay hydrated while you run.

When you run, especially under direct sunlight, you sweat a lot. You need to replace these important body liquids with water. Otherwise, you probably won’t be able to finish the trail.

3. Food

Bringing food on a trail running trip is under the same logic as bringing water. It’s alright not to do so if you’re going for a short run.

However, anything beyond an hour and a half would probably require you to recharge your body with calories to keep you energized.

4. Sunscreen

Trail running is about adventure, but on a deeper level, it’s also about getting healthier.

If you are under direct sunlight for hours on end, it heightens the risk of contracting various skin diseases. Aside from that, the heat can also easily wear you down.

Keep your health your number one priority, and apply sunscreen before heading out.

Choosing a Location for Trail Running

When everything that you may need for your trail running activity is prepared, and you are all set, we’re faced with the next concern of the activity.

As mentioned earlier, trail running is about running in nature, but that brings the question of how to find a trail that’s efficient for the activity but also safe.

Well, we’ve come up with a few strategies you can do.

Search the Internet

Being one with nature doesn’t mean you have to abandon your modern life, right? When looking for a trail to run, take advantage of the Internet!

We’re definite that you’ll find plenty of spots near your place where you can go trail running. Besides, if you find a trail that’s interesting, you can bring your car and head to that location.

Ask Around

If looking for a trail running spot online didn’t bring you any luck, we encourage you to ask around. Certainly, you’re not the only one in your area who’s interested in trail running

Do you want to know what another advantage of asking around is? Once you’ve found the person to talk to, you can easily be part of the trail running community in your area.

Build Your Own Route

One thing that’s quite reassuring about trail running is that you can always build your own route. Suffice to say that you did your research.

We don’t mean you should just head out and start running and see where it takes you. That’s astoundingly dangerous.

Instead, conduct your own private research on which areas are safe, populated, and ideal for hiking.

Make sure that you also have a map on your phone and a printed map of this trail in the event that your phone dies while running.

Safety Reminders for Trail Running

One word that’s loosely tied to the term “unpaved” is “unfamiliarity.” When you go to off-road areas for trail running, the unknown can be quite terrifying and dangerous.

This is why we made it a point to include a few safety reminders, as it’s an important aspect of learning how to start trail running.

Stay Alert

Staying alert is particularly easy when you’ve just begun your run. However, this focus gradually degrades as you near the end.

One of the most important things you need to remember about trail running is that you always have to stay alert even if you’re already feeling tired.

It’s the only guarantee that you won’t go off-trail and get lost.

Bring Your Phone

If you’re running alone, make sure that you bring your phone with you.

If something happens to you while you’re in the middle of the woods, your cellular phone is the best way to contact someone.

To ensure that it doesn’t get drained of battery in times when you need it most, keep it on airplane mode when you’re not using it. This way, it consumes less battery charge.

Inform Someone

This is another safety reminder for those trail runners who prefer running alone.

Make sure that you inform someone where you’re going, when you’re leaving, and what time you’re expecting to be back home.

In this way, you can be sure that someone will come looking for you in the event that you get lost or are taking longer to be back home.


Trail running is one of the best activities that can help keep your body and mind healthy.

The fact that you’re exercising a wide range of muscles while running can quickly develop your body’s physique and strength.

In addition to that, it’s not just your physical strength that improves but also your body’s ability to fight diseases.

Another factor that makes this activity extremely popular is its ability to boost your mental health.

Being reconnected with nature, inhaling fresh air, and being away from pollution and all the daily stressors of the busy, fast-paced life in the city is truly a treasure to behold.